Australian company will supply the oil and gas resources from Russia, Tajikistan and Georgia to China

Date: 09:13, 21-04-2016.

Almaty. April 21. Silkroadnews – Skyland Petroleum Limited announced in Shanghai that beginning 2016, it would supply oil and gas to China from Russia, Tajikistan and Georgia, Xinhua reported.

Chairman of Skyland Petroleum David Robson said the company plans to acquire partial stakes in several oil and gas fields in Eastern Siberia (Russia).

According to him, after reaching agreement on these investments, the oil and gas will be transported to the Chinese provinces of Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jiangsu and major cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin through the pipeline “Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean” and the gas pipeline “Power of Siberia”.

It has become known that Skyland Petroleum will cooperate with the Chinese state-owned and private enterprises on exploration and development of the oil and gas resources in East Siberia region.

Along with this, Skyland Petroleum is also involved in oil and gas exploration and development in southern Tajikistan. Supplies to China may start as early as this year. This year the company also plans to start to supply China the oil and gas from its deposits located near Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital.

Chairman of the Shanghai Association for World Economy Studies Zhang Youwen believes that strengthening the energy collaboration with the countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt will diversify China’s imports of oil and gas, ensures stable supply and reduce the country’s dependence on the Middle East.

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