Average life expectancy in China increased to 76.5 years

Beijing. January 12. Silkroadnews - The average life expectancy in China has increased to 76.5 years, People’s Daily reported.
“The average life expectancy for Chinese in China rose to 76.5 years in 2017, according to a news briefing of the National Health and Family Commission (NHFC),” the report said.
In 2017, significant progress was made in medical reform, including the comprehensive reform of public hospitals, elimination of mark-ups on medicines and settlement of payments for medical services between provinces.
Currently, the country has 999 000 medical organizations and 11.2 million medical workers.
In 2017, more than 4.2 million patients from poor families received medical care. The share of expenses of individuals for medical care decreased from 34.3% to 28.8%. Maternal mortality decreased to 19.9 per 100,000 people; and infant mortality fell to 7.5 per 1,000 newborns.
In addition, the major health indicators for Chinese residents were generally higher than people in medium- and high-income countries in 2017.
“In 2018, the commission will continue deepening medical reform, promoting a hierarchical medical treatment system, consolidating the result of cutting off the channel of making money through over-prescription, and further boosting the medical insurance system,” the report reads.
Family doctor services will be provided to more families. Meanwhile, the development of traditional Chinese medicine education will continue.