By 2020, Uzbekistan will increase the production of hydrocarbons by 1.9%
Almaty. May 12. Silkroadnews - Uzbekistan by 2020 plans to increase hydrocarbon production by 1.9% compared with the results of 2014, reports UzTAG.
"Annual production of hydrocarbons will increase in 2019 compared to the year of 2014 by 1.9%, including natural gas - 2%", - stated in the materials of the National Holding Company (NHC) "Uzbekneftegaz", distributed at the International Exhibition "Oil Gas Uzbekistan-2015" in Tashkent.
The volume of production by the end of 2014 so far is not made public.
Meanwhile, developed and presented to the country's leadership development program for the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan for 2015-2019 years.
Capacities of "Uzbekneftegaz" allows to provide natural gas in the amount of 70 billion cubic meters and liquid hydrocarbons - in the amount of 8 million tons per year.
According to the holding, recoverable proven reserves of hydrocarbons in Uzbekistan as for 1 January 2015 amounted to more than 2.5 billion tons, 65% of which occur in gas reserves.