Case of Afghanistan’s former vice-president has been brought to court
Almaty. July 13. Silkroadnews – Case of the first vice-president of Afghanistan, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, has been referred to the court, Afghan news portal Khaama Press reports.
“The Afghanistan Attorney General’s Office confirmed that the case of the first vice-president of Afghanistan, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, has been referred to the court”, the report said.
At the end of January the Attorney General’s Office authorized the arrest of at least nine security guards of A.R.Dostum on suspicion of alleged adduction and sexual abuse of Dostum’s political opponent Ahmad Khan Ishchi. According to A.K.Ishchi, the vice-president detained and tortured him, while his bodyguards took part in tortures and sexual abuse.
The newspaper notes, the statement by the Attorney General’s Office was made the day after the US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Hugo Lawrence, called on Kabul to openly and honestly investigate the case of A.R.Dostum.