Caspian states will be able to take advantage of all the collective forces and equipment in case of the oil spill in the Caspian Sea

Date: 13:35, 24-02-2016.

Almaty. February 24. Silkroadnews - The Caspian states will be able to take an advantage of all the collective forces and equipment in case of the oil spill in the Caspian Sea, Vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aset Magauov says, KazTAG informs.     
“This bill (“On ratification of the Protocol on regional preparedness, response and cooperation in case of incidents causing the oil pollution to the framework convention on the Caspian Sea marine environment protection”- Silkroadnews) also assumes the protocol ratification. According to the document the Caspian states will be required to share the information about the incidents in the Caspian Sea related to the oil spills and other incidents,” - said A. Magauov on Wednesday.
At the same time, he added, there will be the regional activities plan prepared for such emergencies.
    “Each country is committed to have a minimum number of necessary machinery and equipment, to be able to provide them and, thus, take advantage of all the collective forces of the Caspian states to eliminate emergencies related to oil spills upon the request of any of the countries,” - said Deputy Minister.