Central Bank of Uzbekistan continues nat currency depretiation against the US dollar

Date: 08:35, 14-10-2015.

Almaty. October 14. Silkroadnews - Two weeks in a row the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan dramatically reduces the rate of national currency to the US dollar, reported the Uzbek news agency (UzTAG).
Since October 13, on the site of the Central Bank rate set at 2649.22 soums per $1. It is 14.14 soum more (2635.08) than a week (6 October) ago. At the same time rate for October 6 is 14.08 soum higher than the rate for September 29 - 2621 soum.
Earlier, the fall of the Uzbek national currency was less significant - about 5 soum per week.
Since the beginning of this year, soum fell by nearly 9.36% against US dollar, from 2422.4 soum in the beginning of the year to 2649.22 soum as of October 13.

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