Central committee of China’s Communist Party adopted changes to the party’s charter

Date: 06:34, 16-10-2017.

Almaty. October 16. Silkroadnews – The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted changes to the party’s charter, TV channel NDTV reported.
“China’s Communist Party’s central committee passed a previously announced proposal to amend the constitution which will now be put to the Congress for formal approval,” the report said.
A lengthy communiqué released by the party through the state media gave a high assessment of the achievements made over the last five-year plan under the leadership of Xi Jinping, especially successes in fight against corruption.
“In the section of the communique mentioning former leaders' theories, there was a reference to "the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and new concepts, new thinking and new strategy on governing", signaling that could be the phrasing used,” the publication reads.
The document also emphasizes China’s striving to build a moderately prosperous society, strengthen reforms, the rule of law and party discipline.
According to the television channel, reports by the party’s corruption watchdog of investigations have also been approved at the four-day plenary meeting.

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