China added two more BeiDou-3 satellites for global navigation coverage system

Beijing. February 14. Silkroadnews - China launched two more BeiDou-3 satellites from the cosmodrome in Sichuan province, southwestern China, the Global Times reported.
“The two satellites were the fifth and sixth in the BeiDou-3 Project. The satellites are said to be part of a fleet that will expand the BeiDou system to a global navigation coverage,” the report said.
Since January 12, four BeiDou spacecraft have already been delivered into space by Long March-3B rockets. At the same time, the current launch has become the seventh successful launch of the Long March series of rockets this year.
The Chinese navigation system is being developed and deployed in three phases. BeiDou-3 should reach full working capacity by 2020, when it will operate using a network of 35 satellites. It is reported that the BeiDou-3 network will be twice as accurate as the BeiDou-2 network.
The launch was the 267th mission for the Long March rocket.
China plans to send 18 BeiDou-3 satellites with the Long March-3A rockets around the end of 2018.
The BeiDou project was formally launched in 1994. It began to serve China in 2000 and the Asia-Pacific region in late 2012.
By 2020, when the BeiDou project becomes global, it will have more than 30 satellites.