China CITIC Grour plans to take part in the realization of Kazakhstan's state program "Nurly Jol"
Almaty. July 17. Silkroadnews -Minister for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev met with the leaders of the Chinese corporation CITIC. The parties discussed the possibility of implementing new investment projects in Kazakhstan, including in the transport sector in the form of public-private partnership (upgrading of roads and railways), chemical industry (production of fertilizers) and others.
"The Chinese side has noted a favorable investment climate in Kazakhstan and expressed the hope that will be able to participate in ongoing programs of industrialization "Nurly Jol", - stated in the information.
In turn, A. Issekeshev said that Kazakhstan is open to new projects, particularly in manufacturing and infrastructure.
It is expected that a detailed discussion of joint projects will take place during the September visit of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to China.