China criticizes US moves on intellectual property protection

Beijing. January 18. Silkroadnews - China criticizes the U.S. moves to protect intellectual property, The News Tribune reports.
“China on Thursday criticized recent moves by the U.S. targeting the sale of fake goods and Chinese telecoms equipment, saying Washington lacked “objectivity” in its approach to Chinese businesses,” the report said.
According to Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng, the U.S. Trade Representative had no evidence and sufficient grounds to rank three Chinese online trading platforms and six physical bazaars in China to “notorious markets” list engaged in commercial copyright piracy and counterfeiting of trademarks.
“We have to question the objectivity and credibility of the relevant U.S. department in issuing its report. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the protection of intellectual property, the results of which are obvious to all,” the agency quoted Gao saying.
In a publication released this month on the notorious market list the U.S. Trade Rep said the offending online trading platforms and markets based in China and elsewhere have caused financial damage to the U.S. businesses and copyright owners and could pose a threat the safety.