China is ready to work to normalize relations with the Republic of Korea

Date: 15:52, 19-05-2017.

Almaty. May 19. Silkroadnews – China’s President Xi Jinping announced China’s readiness to work together to normalize relations with the Republic of Korea. The head of the state said that meeting with special envoy for South Korean President Moon Jae-in and deputy of the National Assembly (Parliament) of the country in Beijing Lee Hae-chan, TASS reports.
“China attaches great importance to relations with the Republic of Korea and will be happy to work to “safeguard the hard-won achievements made in the development of bilateral ties”, Xi Jinping said.
As TASS reminds, relations between China and South Korea were overshadowed by Seoul’s decision deploy the US THAAD complexes on South Korean territory. This ground system is designed to intercept the ballistic reentry vehicle at the final stage of the flight trajectory middle section and when approaching the target. It is provided to protect the US and its allies’ troops, as well as cities and critical sites from both short-range ballistic missiles and strategic ones.
The pretext for placing the complex on a permanent basis was the opposition to the “DPRK nuclear threat”. Russia and China are unalterably opposed to these plans.

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