China joins top twenty innovative economies

Date: 06:20, 12-07-2018.

Beijing. Jul 12. Silkroadnews - China is one of the 20 most innovative economies in the annual Global Innovation Index (GII), published by Cornell University and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), People’s Daily Online reports.
Switzerland retained its first place this year, followed by the Netherlands and Sweden. According to the rating, China rose to 17th place from 22nd place last year, while the United States came down from 4th place in 2017 to the 6th.
In terms of the number of researchers, patents and scientific and technical publications the United States came second after China this year.
Switzerland, Luxembourg and China ranked top three in terms of translating investments in education, research and R&D expenditures into high-quality innovation outputs, the report reads.
A survey of “top science and technology clusters” around the world put the areas around Tokyo-Yokohama and Shenzhen-Hong Kong atop the list.
Among the top ten innovative economies there are also Great Britain, Singapore, Finland, Denmark, Germany and Ireland.
GII evaluated 126 countries on the basis of 80 indicators, including the number of applications for intellectual property, creation of mobile applications, cost of education and number of scientific and technical publications.

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