China plans by 2020 to increase the share of renewable energy to 15% in total consumption.

Date: 07:22, 12-10-2015.

Almaty. October 9. Silkroadnews - China is actively promoting the use of wind energy as a clean "substitute" of fossil fuels, reported the newspaper "People's Daily".
Thus, according to the World Wind Energy Council, in 2014 new wind power plants in China amounted to 23.2 GW, or 45% of the power of all new installations in the world. Power of Chinese wind farms reached 114.6 GW, second in the world on this indicator occupy the US with a total capacity of 65.88 GW.
Smog causes great harm to human health. Over the past 30 years the number of cases of lung cancer in China has increased by more than 5 times, the number of smoking in public places has declined. According to research by the Academy of Social Sciences of China, the source of 70% of the particles PM-2,5 in the atmosphere is fossil fuels, with its high concentration arises smog.
According to published in June 2014. "Strategic Plan for Energy Development for 2014-2020" Chinese government is committed by 2020 to increase the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption to 15%. Currently, this parameter is below 11.4%. By 2030, this figure will increase to 20%. By 2020, the share of wind energy in total electricity generation will reach 5%, in 2014, the figure was 2.78%.
The purpose of bringing the power of Chinese wind turbines up to 100 GW in 2015 achieved ahead of schedule. In the long term, this figure will increase from 200 GW in 2020 to 400 GW in 2030 and to 1,000 GW in 2050, when the windmills would provide 17% of the country's electricity needs, thus avoiding the emission of 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide.

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