China plans to expand its presence in the Turkmen market

Date: 08:54, 12-07-2016.

Almaty. July 12. Silkroadnews – China’s business communities have expressed their readiness to expand their presence in the promising Turkmen market.

Representatives of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Wang Yilin and Luy Gunsun said about that during their meeting with Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Trend reports.

According to the Turkmen government, businessmen reaffirmed their interest to strengthen fruitful cooperation with Turkmenistan, as built on a mutually beneficial and long-term basis. G. Berdimuhamedov noted the progressive dynamics of relations with CNPC as an important partner in the fuel and energy sector.

“A striking example of this is the implementation of the project for construction of the Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline, that has been delivering the long-term supplies of Turkmen natural fuel to China since 2009,” – the report says.

In Turkmenistan CNPC takes part in the industrial development of hydrocarbon deposits in the contract area of “Bagtyyarlyk” and also in “Galkynysh” field infrastructure development, which is one of the world’s largest gas deposits.

CNPC managers assured they will make every effort to meet the commitments undertaken.

“Once again China National Petroleum Corporation stressed their readiness to continue to take an active part in the ongoing Turkmenistan large-scale infrastructure projects, ensure the steady social and economic progress of the country and build mutually beneficial cooperation in the regional and global directions,” the information stated.

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