China plans to expand private investors' access to the market
Almaty. August 24. Silkroadnews – China plans to take comprehensive measures to boost private investors' investment activities, «Xinhua» agency reported.
«The focus is to maximize the private capital market access», the agency quoted Hu Tszutsay, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Development and Reform, saying.
According to him, the innovations will touch on further expansion of private investors access to airports, communications, exploration and development of oil and gas reserves, as well as elimination of market barriers in infrastructure and public services sectors, ensuring fair competition in the healthcare market, welfare and nursing education.
Hu Tszutsay pointed out that China's State Council has also decided to develop a black list of industries, where the private investments to be prohibited. At the same time, the task is also to assist the private investors in overcoming the difficulties in funds accumulation to provide a due financial support to the real economy.