China released the Afghan-Chinese dictionary
Almaty. February 23. Silkroadnews - China released the Afghan-Chinese Dictionary, said the agency "Xinhua".
"Pashto-Chinese Dictionary" was released in China. Pashto - one of the official languages of Afghanistan, which is mainly used in the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The dictionary contains more than 50 thousand entries, the total vocabulary of 2.3 million marks",- says the publication.
It is noted that the dictionary contains proverbs and frequently used words and the context of their use. In applications, for the Chinese reader provides information on Afghan culture and customs.
As explained in the report, in the early 80-ies of the last century, two dictionary editor Jae Huntsay and Zhang Min in 4 years of work produced over 100 thousand word cards, completing Dictionary by 70%. But the work has been suspended for 24 years. However, since the second half of 2008, the editors have begun the second phase of the work on the dictionary, supplementing it with about 9 thousand entries.