China’s central bank injected around $14 billion into the country’s financial system
Almaty. April 19. Silkroadnews – On Tuesday the People’s Bank of China (central bank) injected 90 billion yuan ($13.89 billion) into the country’s financial system through the reverse repurchase agreements (purchase of securities with obligation to sell them back at fixed price), TASS agency reports.
It is reported the regulator has conducted repo operations for a period of seven days and a yield of 2.25%. The People’s Bank explained its actions by the need to hold the interbank market liquidity at the “acceptable level”.
“The maturity of repo operations in the amount of 60 billion yuan ($9.24 billion) comes due today. The regulator plans to increase slightly the level of liquidity at the interbank market,” said analyst of the investment company “Dongfang Securities” Van Tszyanchen.