China's dependence on oil imports in 2014 amounted to almost 60%
Almaty. January 29. Silkroadnews - Degree of China's dependence on oil imports in 2014 amounted to almost 60%, reported the agency "Xinhua".
At the same time there has been a significant decline in the growth rate of energy consumption, there is a further improvement in the structure of energy consumption.
As indicated in the report, in 2014, was marked a trend to maintain low growth in domestic consumption of oil in China. Excluding the increase in oil real growth rate, oil consumption in 2014 amounted to 2.8%, which generally coincides with the trends of 2013. The volume of net oil imports for 2014 amounted to 308 million tons. Accordingly, China's dependence on oil imports amounted to 59.5% (by 1.1 percent. Points higher than a year earlier).
The report also indicates that in 2014 apparent consumption of natural gas in China amounted to 183 billion cubic meters, or 8.9% more than in 2013. This is the lowest rate of growth of this indicator over the last 10 years. The volume of natural gas imported by China amounted to 59 billion cubic meters or 11.5% higher than a year earlier. China's external dependence in this area reached 32.2%.