China’s facial recognition system can scan people’s faces in 2 seconds

Beijing. March 27. Silkroadnews - The system is fast enough to scan China’s population in just one second, and it takes two seconds to scan the world’s population, the Global Times reports citing Worker’s Daily.
Using motion facial recognition technology, the system, called “Sky Net” can accurately identify people’s faces at different angles and lighting conditions.
Despite the high speed the accuracy of the system is up to 99.8%, even if the person is in motion.
Reportedly, the system is being used in 16 provinces, cities and municipalities to help the police in the search for criminals and improve security.
Surveillance cameras in the streets inform the police of the location of suspects and missing persons, and can also follow people’s tracks, which may give law enforcement authorities additional important information.
In the past two years, police arrested more than 2,000 fugitives with the help of Sky Net, the agency reported.