China’s Okay Airlines to buy new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner for $1.4 billion

Date: 14:48, 27-11-2017.

Almaty. November 27. Silkroadnews – China’s Okay Airlines will order a new Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner for $1.4 billion, Reporter Expert says.
“China’s Okay Airlines has decided to order five new Dreamliners to add to their fleet. This agreement means that Okay Airlines will be paying Boeing $1.4 Billion in order to acquire these new airliners,” the report reads.
It is noted that Okay Airlines has made this purchase to further strengthen its position in the market of long-distance flights. With growing competition in the long-distance air transportation market with such airlines as Korea Air and Qatar Airways, for Okay Airlines it is important to be able to offer their customers economical and luxurious flights.
According to Boeing, the model 787-9 is designed to significantly improve the experience of air transportation: in business class the seats will recline into full beds and are equipped with full TVs and AC power. At the same time Boeing said that 787 will use 20% less fuel than other jets currently use. In addition, 787-9 generates lower harmful emissions, which is important in terms of cleaner environment protection. Reportedly, 70 different airlines around the world have ordered more than 1,000 new 787 aircraft.

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