China to play bigger role in reconstruction of Syria

Beijing. February 13. Silkroadnews - China will play a more significant role in Syria’s reconstruction and development process by increasing the assistance provided to this country, the Chinese Ambassador to Syria Qi Qianjin said, the newspaper “People’s Daily” reported.
“I think it's about time to focus all efforts on the development and reconstruction of Syria, and I think China will play a bigger role in this process by providing more aid to the Syrian people and the Syrian government,” the agency quoted ambassador saying.
China made several donations to support Syria’s health sector, including funding for the reconstruction of the emergency department of the al-Muwasat University Hospital. The project includes the replacement of wiring, water pipes, elevators, as well as the provision of beds and medical equipment.
In January 2017, the Chinese government donated $1 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) to support a humanitarian project to address the health problems of the Syrians.