China will invest more than $1 billion in the construction of the gas pipeline Turkmenistan-China-Kyrgyzstan

Date: 10:41, 03-07-2014.

Almaty. July 3. Silkroadnews - China will invest more than $1 billion in the construction of gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to China through Kyrgyzstan, reports KyrTAG.
"In the construction of the Turkmenistan-China-Kyrgyzstan gas pipeline China will invest more than $1 billion. The construction period is 3 years"- said the deputy CEO of Trans-Asıa Gaz Pipeline Company Limited (TAPLINE) Men Fenchun on Thursday.
The pipeline from Karamyk Ishtamberdy will be 215 km, capacity - 30 billion cubic meters a year, the period of operation - more than 35 years.

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