China will provide to developing countries project "Six hundred"
Almaty. September 28. Silkroadnews - Chinese President Xi Jinping at the UN headquarters in New York announced that in the coming five years, China will provide project support to developing countries "Six hundred", transmits the newspaper "People's Daily".
"This project includes 100 projects to reduce poverty, 100 projects in the field of agricultural cooperation, 100 assistance projects in trade, 100 projects on environmental protection and response to climate change, 100 projects for the construction and arrangement of hospitals and clinics, 100 projects for construction and arrangement of schools and vocational training institutions", - says the publication.
As noted Xi Jinping, the next five years, China will provide 120 thousand places to study in China and 150 thousand scholarships from developing countries to educate and prepare 500 thousand professional and technical personnel in developing countries. China will also establish institutions for development and South-South cooperation, as well as provide financial assistance to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the amount of $2 million.