Chinese company will build a thermal power station in Tajikistan with capacity of 350 MW

Date: 12:48, 08-10-2015.

Almaty. October 8. Silkroadnews - Chinese company will build in Rasht region of Tajikistan a thermal power station with capacity of 350 MW, reported TajikTA on Thursday.
"The Chinese company NORINCO International Cooperation Ltd is planning to build in the Rasht district of Tajikistan combined heat and power plant (CHP)", - reported in Goskominvest.
The corresponding agreement, this company intends to sign with the State Administration for Investments and State Property of the Republic of Tajikistan in the international business forum "Dushanbe-2015" to be held October 14.
CHP in Rasht district will consist of two power boilers with a total capacity of 350 MW. This, according to the calculations, will be about 8.7 million kW/h of electricity per day.
It is expected that the plant will run on coal.

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