Chinese Foreign Ministry suggested not to put forward new demands on the Iranian nuclear program

Date: 11:11, 05-06-2015.

Almaty. June 5. Silkroadnews - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a proposal in the negotiations on Iran's nuclear program, reported the Xinhua news agency.
"In view of the prevailing situation the Chinese side proposes: firstly, to cherish advances made by "six" international mediators and Iran in the negotiations in Lausanne; secondly, to facilitate further negotiations on the basis of "Lausanne framework": an agreement detailing specific text, and do not to put forward new requirements in order to prevent aggravation of the situation", - said the Minister Wang Yi
He also proposed "to pay sufficient attention to the concerns of all parties fair and resolve them rationally".
"Fourth, as soon as possible to reach a comprehensive agreement that will positively affect the international system of nuclear non-proliferation, as well as the maintenance of peace and stability in the Middle East", - the minister said.
"China is willing to continue to play a positive and constructive role in this regard", - said Wang Yi
As noted, during the meeting the Foreign Minister of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif briefed their counterparts from Russia and China with the latest developments in the negotiations on Iran's nuclear program.

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