Chinese manufacturer of youth clothing sued Apple for copyright infringement

Almaty. December 27. Silkroadnews – China’s youth clothing manufacturer sued Apple for copyright infringement, Xinhua reports.
“A Chinese clothing company is suing Apple for copyright infringement of the Apple App Store logo. Clothing label KON claim the Apple App Store logo closely resembles its own, which the company has been using as a merchandise trademark since 2011, and registered in 2012,” the report said.
KON claims compensation in the amount of 100,000 yuan (about $15,200) and a legal injunction on devices such as iPhones and iPads, as well as public apologies.
Both logos feature a triangular stick design. Apple replaced the old logo depicting a pencil, ruler and brush with the current one on its iOS and MacOS devices this year. KON declares that both logos look almost the same for ordinary customers.
KON, founded in Beijing in 2009, is a manufacturer of youth clothing. The company said the logo design was inspired by the singer Johnny Rotten of the British punk band The Sex Pistols.