Chinese motor companies are using the crisis by expanding in Russia - media

Date: 17:43, 30-07-2015.

Almaty. July 30. Silkroadnews - The regions of Russia are selling Chinese cars in the showroom of the European brands that is a direct violation of corporate standards, writes the Russian newspaper "Izvestia".
"Several Chinese auto companies, despite a sharp decline in sales of its cars, increased its dealer network in Russia. Thus, the company Dongfeng has doubled the number of dealers in 2015, growing the number of official sellers at Haima, Brilliance, Lifan and Haval. In addition, Chinese companies in the region literally jostle the world's major automakers: Local dealers in single-brand showrooms near Peugeot put up near the Chinese cars that formally is a violation of corporate standards",- says the publication.
In addition, according to the newspaper, Chinese brands are actively engaged in dealer centers that used to sell the products of the American corporation General Motors, which turned Russian business in the spring of 2015.
Meanwhile, experts say that Chinese companies do not reflect the categories of medium-term - they are consistently implemented the strategy of global presence in Russia, where the market is oversupplied. And Chinese companies, in their view, are open to cooperation.

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