Chinese police require provision of personal information from Uighurs living in France

Beijing. March 3. Silkroadnews - Amid a global campaign to monitor and control the Uighur diaspora, Chinese police are demanding that Uighurs living in France hand over personal information, photos, and identity documents — and in some cases, the personal information of their French spouses, the Foreign Policy magazine writes.
According to the magazine, police officers from local public security authorities in China asked the French Uighurs to provide their residence, study and work addresses, photographs, scans of their French or Chinese identity cards and, in some cases, their spouse’s identity cards and scans of their marriage certificates, if the marriage was concluded in France.
It is reported that the Chinese police contacted the French Uighurs directly by phone, with the help of the Chinese messenger WeChat or through their relatives living in China.
The magazine states it has evidence of four such cases, however neither the Chinese embassy in France nor France’s Embassy in China gave any official comments on the issue.