CIS Heads of Communications Administrations approved agreement on the principles of inter-operator settlements, including roaming
Astana. July 18. Silkroadnews - Communication Administrations Heads of CIS countries have approved the agreement on the implementation of the principles of inter-operator settlements in the provision of international telecommunication services, including roaming, reports KazTAG.
The document was developed on the initiative of the CIS operators to settle level of the operators cost on international telecommunication services.
"It is expected that the agreement will ensure equitable treatment to all parties, administration and collection of indirect taxes included in the tariffs applied to inter-operator settlement, as well as establishing or changings in tariffs used for international telecommunication services, including services of international roaming ", - the report says.
Later, after the approval of this agreement by the heads of governments of the RCC, operators will be able to start work on reducing inter-operator tariffs, including international roaming.
The meeting also discussed a number of organizational issues, made more than 20 joint decisions. Thus, according to a unanimous vote, the head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov is re-elected as a chairman of the RCC. He will continue to serve as chairman of the RCC for another 4 years.