Coal output totaled 268 thousand tons in Tajikistan in January-April

Date: 13:43, 23-05-2018.

Beijing. May 23. Silkroadnews - For the first four months of the year Tajikistan has produced about 268 thousand tons of coal, the Tajik Telegraph Agency (TajikTA) reported on Wednesday.
According to the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, the republic’s demand for coal in 2018 make 920,000 tons from the enterprises, 57,200 tons from budget organizations, 1,245 million tons – from Dushanbe-2 thermal power plants and boiler houses.
This volume includes the residues from the 2017-2018 heating season stored at the thermal storage facilities.
The schedule of coal supplies for heat and power plants has been prepared for the upcoming heating season in an additional volume of 1.1 million tons is currently being implemented.
According to the Ministry of Industry, more than 200 enterprises use coal as a fuel in the republic at present.
Earlier it was reported that the domestic needs of socio-economic sectors of Tajikistan in coal for 2018 are estimated at 2 million tons.

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