Damascus province in Syria received UN humanitarian cargo first time since 2013

Beijing. Jul 20. Silkroadnews - For the first time since 2013 people living in Damascus province in Syria received a humanitarian cargo of the United Nations (UN), the Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG) reports with reference to the UN press service.
Today, the convoy, with the help of the United Nations and the Syrian Red Crescent, delivered food, food additives, medical supplies and other humanitarian supplies to people living in the south-west of the province of Damascus. This is the first delivery of humanitarian supplies to areas that have been in blockade since 2013, Deputy Permanent Representative of the UN Secretary-General Farhan Haq said at a briefing in New York on Friday.
He specified, about 6.9 thousand people, accompanied by members of the Syrian Red Crescent, arrived in the province of Aleppo. As the speaker noted, 17 people in need of medical assistance and their families have been taken to the city hospital of Aleppo.
The UN stressed, any evacuation of civilians should be carried out taken into account provisions for their security, and only if requested.
All the displaced persons shall choose their own place for resettlement and have the right to return, whenever possible, F. Haq added.