Developed by the Chinese company FS for Kara-Keche TPP did not satisfy Kyrgyzstan
Almaty February 13. Silkroadnews - Chinese company TBEA developed and provided to the government of Kyrgyzstan draft of the feasibility study (FS) for construction of thermal power plant (TPP) in the coal mine Karakeche, reported KyrTAG.
"We have received a preliminary document on TPP Karakeche from a Chinese company. Now we analyze the plan. The FS does not comply with the form of the feasibility study. Very little attention is paid to the environmental component, there is a reduction in power stations capacity from 1200 megawatts almost twice. The document does not meet the concept of the feasibility study",- criticized the Deputy Prime Minister Valery Dil.
According to him, the proposed version of the feasibility study is not definitive and, if necessary, it will be returned for revision to China.
Experts predict that coal reserves in the field Karakeche and Kavak coal basin are enough to produce the amount of electricity, enough to meet the needs of whole Kyrgyzstan.
According to preliminary data, the reserves of the basin is 1.85 billion tons, its length from west to east is 75 km and width - 9 km.