Divorce rates get higher in Kazakhstan – Ministry of Justice

Date: 15:55, 18-03-2014.

Astana. March 18. Silkroadnews – Familes fall apart more frequently in Kazakhstan, as Venera Kalimova, deputy chairman of the committee on Registry Services under the Ministry of Justice, informs.

“While we notice year-by-year increase in marriage rates, we also notice year-by-year increase in divorce rates”, she said at the round table on issues of provision of psychological aid to teenagers at the family centre this Tuesday.

166 474 and 167 411 marriages were registered in 2012 and 2013 respectively. At the same time, 47 598 and 51 510 divorces were registered in 2012 and 2013 correspondingly.

The marriage-to-divorce ratio in Kazakhstan is 3:1.  Interestingly, people divorce less in southern regions of the country. The marriage-to-divorce ratio here is 6:1.

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