Dual citizenship concealment could become a subject for criminal liability in Kyrgyzstan

Beijing. May 15. Silkroadnews - Deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh Dastan Bekeshev and Almazbek Baatyrbekov propose to introduce criminal liability for dual citizenship concealment for candidates for the post of the head of the state and deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh, the Kyrgyz Telegraph Agency (KyrTAG) reports.
The due amendments to the Criminal Code, initiated by deputies, are posted on the parliament’s website and submitted for public discussion on Monday.
The draft law also proposes criminal liability for concealing dual citizenship for candidates for the position of judges.
To note, according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, all the state and municipal employees, judges, employees of law enforcement and fiscal bodies are forbidden to have dual citizenship. However, as for the candidates for the post of president or deputy, there is no liability for dual citizenship concealment so far.