Elected president of Afghanistan and Prime Minister shared key positions in government

Date: 14:04, 26-09-2014.

Almaty. September 26. Silkroadnews - Elected President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Officer of the government, Abdullah Abdullah shared key government departments, according to Afghan News Agency (AfTAG).
The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Finance adopted "under the wing" of Dr. Ashraf Ghani, while the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be for Dr. Abdullah.
Key ministries and government agencies were distributed pro rata among the ethnic groups - 11 seats for Pashtuns, Tajiks 8 seats, 5 - for the Hazara and the remaining seats are given to other ethnic minorities.
In addition, the agreement was signed on a national unity government.
Meanwhile, the division of power in the government of national unity is based on a result of the agreement between the two polling teams where each will appoint ministers and key government officials on an equal basis.

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