EU authorities allowed to block websites without a court order
Almaty. November 17. Silkroadnews - The new bill on consumer protection adopted by the European Parliament give the EU member states’ authorities the right to block websites without a court order, the Kazakh Telegraph Agency (KazTAG) reports with reference to TASS.
According to the document passed, the consumer protection agencies of the EU countries will be able to apply fines and restrict access to undesirable Internet resources without a court authorization. Earlier a court order was a must to block sites in the countries across the union, Silicon Republic portal specializing in the Internet technologies field says.
Critics of the new bill believe it restricts the possibility of publishing information on the Internet.
This may force Internet providers to create a structure for blocking websites, which can later be abused for other purposes, for example, for the sake of censorship, Member of European Parliament Julia Reda said.
As an example, the European deputy referred to the recent events in Catalonia, noting that the Internet pages calling for the autonomy separation were promptly blocked, the point is it became possible as the infrastructure built there earlier allowed blocking the sites that violate copyright law.