EU to allocate 95 million euros to facilitate Uzbekistan’s accession to WTO and other programs

Beijing. June 20. Silkroadnews - According to the Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG), this year the EU projects to assist the process of Uzbekistan’s accession to the World Trade Organization should be completed.
For these purposes, the European Union intends to allocate 5 million euro. Another 5 million euro the EU plans to allocate to Uzbekistan on the project on “Rural area employment skills development”, which should also be completed before the end of the year.
The arrangements have been reached to sign this year financial agreements on grant projects “Sustainable water resources management in the Ferghana Valley” for the amount of 30 million euro and “Livestock sector development” for the amount of 15 million euro.
The European side will also provide for 40 million euro grant to be allocated in early 2019 to support the state budget costs.
To remind, the National Program for the EU Assistance to Uzbekistan 2014-2020 has a total budget of 168 million euro. At present Uzbekistan implements 25 projects backed by the EU assistance for a total amount of more than 100 million euro.