Exports from Armenia to the countries of the EAEC sharply declined
Almaty. May 19. KazTAG - Exports from Armenia to the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC) sharply declined, said the agency "The first Armenian information".
"Exports of Armenia in the first quarter of 2015, compared to the same period last year, decreased by approximately 23%, and imports - by 30.5%. As a result, the export was smaller than in the first quarter of 2012, while imports - is even less than in the first quarter of 2010",- says the publication on Tuesday.
It is noted that foreign trade figures for January, February and March 2015 is not yet completed, which is caused by the fact that the figures on trade between the countries of the EAEC for the first quarter of the current year are not fully collected, but given the weight of the EAEC in the foreign trade of Armenia and statements of many Armenian businessmen, "it can be argued that the published figures do not undergo significant changes".
Thus, substantially reduced the volume of trade in Armenia primarily with the main partner of the EAEC - Russia.
"We can say that this year Armenia almost did not export to Russia and Belarus. And to Kazakhstan it literally exported nothing (exports of goods to that country stopped)", - stated in the publication.
This explains that the main reason (of lower exports) is that "Russia was plunged into an economic crisis due to Western sanctions, and falling of oil prices".