Film about the Great Silk Road is made in Uzbekistan

Date: 09:35, 12-07-2016.

Almaty. July 12. Silkroadnews – French TV station Electron libre Productions started shooting a documentary film on the Great Silk Road in Uzbekistan, Uzbek Telegraph Agency (UzTAG) reports.

“The shooting will be held on July 9-19; the documentary film shall consist of 15 episodes each lasting 26 minutes. Three parts are assumed to be made in Uzbekistan and shall be devoted to Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Ferghana and Margilan,” the press-service of the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan informed.

According to the script, the presenter Arnaud de Montesquieu will not only travel over the historic cities of Uzbekistan located on the Great Silk Road crossroads and tell about them, but also talk to historians, archaeologists and ordinary people, showing the age-old traditions, customs and hospitality of Uzbek people.

The film will be shown on the Franco-German TV channel Arte in December 2016.

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