Foreign trade turnover of Tajikistan for 11 months. grew by 7.5% and amounted to more than $ 4.8 billion
Almaty. December 17. Silkroadnews - For 11 months Tajikistan's foreign trade turnover amounted to over $ 4.8 billion, reports Tajik news agency (TadzhikTA).
"In January-November 2014 the foreign trade turnover of Tajikistan has made more than $ 4.8 billion which is 7.5% more than in the same period of 2013", - says the publication.
Exports of goods in January-November of this year totaled to $888.6 million which is 2% more than in 2013. Imports of goods to the republic totaled $ 3.9 billion, which is 8.8% more than the same period in 2013
According to statistics, the trade balance was negative and amounted to more than $ 3077,1.
Trade relations with Tajikistan have 98 countries, among which 10 CIS countries and 88 foreign countries.
According to the report, the CIS countries in foreign trade turnover accounts for 45.1%, or about $ 2.2 million, non-CIS countries 54.9%, or $ 2.6 million.
Trade deficit with the CIS countries amounted to $1.7 billion, and with foreign countries $ 1,3mlrd.
A significant excess of exports over imports was observed in trade with Turkey $80.2 million, $ 32.7 million - Switzerland, Italy - $ 4.9 million. Afghanistan - $ 3.1 million.