“Green corridors” to be created on Chinese-Pakistani and Chinese-Mongolian borders
Almaty. August 4. Silkroadnews – “Green Corridors” for faster customs inspection for agricultural products will be created at the checkpoints on Chinese-Pakistani and Chinese-Mongolian borders, Xinhua news agency reports.
According to the Committee for Development and Reform of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, two new “green corridors” will be opened next year at the checkpoint Hunzherab on Chinese-Pakistani border and checkpoint Takeshiken on Chinese-Mongolian border. With this two the total number of “green corridors” in Xinjiang will reach six that shall simplify and speed up the agricultural products customs inspection at the checkpoints with five neighboring countries.
At present there are four “green corridors” working in Xinjiang for agricultural products from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.