Illegal spy devices detected in Washington

Beijing. April 5. Silkroadnews - For the first time, the U.S. government has publicly acknowledged the existence in Washington of what appear to be rogue devices that foreign spies and criminals could be using to track individual cellphones and intercept calls and messages, the Afghan Telegraph Agency (AfTAG) reports.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has detected abnormal activity featuring illegal interceptors of mobile signals, known popularly as Stingrays. It also says that similar activity was has been observed in the Washington area, yet the DHS does not have information about which devices caused this activity.
Reportedly, the use of interceptor devices by the American police is monitored by the American Civil Liberties Union.
According to union’s data, such equipment is available in 73 organizations in 25 states, but the union believes that such devices number is much larger, and not all of them have been officially registered.
Such devices are normally used by foreign spies and criminals, yet the DHS does not know who could use them this time.
Policy makers in Washington are concerned with possibly use of the interceptor devices by foreign states for international espionage.