IMF forecasts Iran’s GDP growth of 3.8% in 2018

Date: 07:22, 13-10-2017.

Almaty. October 13. Silkroadnews – The IMF forecasts Iran’s GDP growth to achieve 3.8% in 2018, the Iranian Telegraph Agency (IrTAG) reported referring to the Teheran Times newspaper.
“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its latest World Economic Outlook titled “Seeking Sustainable Growth: Short-Term Recovery, Long-Term Challenges” predicted a 3.8 percent real GDP growth for Iran in 2018, rising from 3.5 percent in 2017,” the report said.
It is expected that in 2018, GDP growth will raise to 3.8%, which mainly reflects the growth of domestic demand in oil importers and restoration of oil production in oil exporters, the publication reads.
According to the data, Iran’s GDP growth will exceed the growth rates of the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan to make 3.5% in 2018 and 3.8% by 2022.
It is reported that Iran’s GDP will increase to 4.1 by 2022, while consumer price inflation in the country, which is 10.5% this year, will drop to 10.1% in 2018 and to 8.7% by 2022.

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