In 2017 361 policemen died in China while on duty

Beijing. April 6. Silkroadnews - A total of 361 police officers have died at work in 2017, with an average age of 43.5, the Global Times newspaper reported citing the PRC Ministry of Public Security.
There were also 126 auxiliary police officers who died during work in 2017. A total of 6,234 police were injured or disabled while on duty in the same period, the publication reads.
Over the last five years, between 2,003 and 17 years, 2,003 police officers have sacrificed their lives, and the total number of death has reached 13,000 since the reforms began 40 years ago.
The ministry has promised to improve safety of police and strengthen their authority, while punishing those who insult the memory of dead policemen on the Internet. Only in 2017 there were more than 13,000 cases of attacks on police officers, 18,000 people were punished, and 16,000 policemen have been compensated.
Fatigue is the main factor of mortality in the police. Of the 361 deaths of policemen in 2017, 246 people died suddenly while on duty as a result of fatigue and stress, the ministry said. Another 1820 policemen died of occupational diseases, which were developed due to hard work.
Last year the ministry released a set of rules aimed at reducing the pressure on police officers, including a clearer definition of the range of responsibilities and strengthening the police team work.
In January 2018, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice on the establishment of a favorable policy in the field of education for the children of police officers died.