In China, police shot dead six people who tried to commit a terrorist attack

Date: 14:20, 12-01-2015.

Almaty. January 12. Silkroadnews - in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China six people were shot dead by police while trying to commit a terrorist attack, reports the Chinese edition of China Daily.
It is noted that the first suspect was found by locals.
"The suspect with an explosive device was discovered by locals at 10.10 am in the business district of Shula. The suspect, who later attacked the police with an ax and tried to bring an explosive device, was shot dead by the police", - explained in the publication.
Reportedly while trying to arrest the first terrorist, five more people tried to produce explosions. All were shot dead by police.
According to the publication, the data on injuries among the police and civilians have not been reported.