In Kyrgyzstan, Amnesty is held for unloading jails and prisons - expert
Almaty. September 30. Silkroadnews - In Kyrgyzstan, Amnesty is held for unloading prisons, reports KyrTAG with reference to the pro-rector of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University Leila Sydykova.
According to her, in 1991, the number of convicts was 8.4 thousand people, in 1996 - 16.2 thousand, in 1998 - 21.2 thousand, in 2003 - 16.8 thousand, in 2008 - 11.4 thousand, in 2010 - 9.9 thousand, in 2012 - 9.8 thousand, in 2013 and 2014, 10 thousand people.
From explanatory documents in the draft of the new Criminal Code, it follows that its initiators propose to delete the practice of amnesty in Kyrgyzstan, as in most cases the purpose of the amnesty becomes, as already mentioned, unloading prison.