In Tajikistan in 2015, inflation could rise from 6.1% to 12.8% - IMF
Almaty. May 19. Silkroadnews - Inflation in Tajikistan in 2015 could grow more than double to 12.8% compared to 6.1% in 2014, reports the Tajik news agency (TajikTA) on Tuesday.
More reassuringly looks forecast for inflation in Tajikistan next year - 6.3%.
Roughly comparable in terms of growth in inflation appear IMF forecasts for neighboring Kyrgyzstan, where the rate in 2015 will reach 10.7% from 7.5% in 2014.
"The Central Asian countries depend not only on the price of oil, but also on the financial stability of Russia", - said in a bulletin.
An important role in this sense plays a volume of remittances from Russia, where there is a high proportion of labor migrants from the Caucasus and Central Asia. With the fall of the Russian economy, the cash flows naturally slow down.
Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Georgia, defending its international reserves and keeping the cost of remittances in the national currency, allowed their currencies to fall against the dollar.
Additional pressure on the economies of these countries has slowing GDP growth in China - up to 7.1% and 6.8% in 2015 and 2016. The weakening of the ruble will further reduce the remittances from Russia to Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.