In view of joining the EEU Kyrgyzstan will reduce wheat plantings and increase cotton fields
Almaty. January 19. Silkroadnews – This year Kyrgyzstan’s Ministry of Agriculture will reduce the wheat planting area by 9 thousand hectares as the country joins the EEU, Minister of agriculture and melioration Turdunazir Bekboyev said at the meeting of the parliamentary Committee on agricultural policy, water resources, environment and regional development, KyrTAG reports.
“This year we reduce the wheat planting area by 9 thousand hectares. The Republic became a member of the EEU, now the cereal crops of good quality become available from Kazakhstan and Russia”, T.Bekboyev said.
The Minister also added that the area for cotton growing shall be raised by 3.7 thousand hectares, as cotton prices are high with cost of 1 kg of cotton at 40-42 som.
In addition, due to the growth of livestock, it is planned to increase the area under perennial forage crops.
“The total area for the agricultural crops cultivation will amount to 1.190 mln hectares, which is 5.200 thousand hectares more to compare with 2015”, T.Bekboyev noted.
Within the total structure 52.2% are cereals, 29.7% - fodder crops, 12.3% - melons and gourds, 5.7% - industrial crops.