Intel to partner with Chinese automaker in unmanned vehicles creation

Almaty. January 9. Silkroadnews - Intel will partner with the Chinese automaker in creating unmanned vehicles, the U.S.’s business magazine Fast Company wrote.
“Intel announced a new deal with Chinese car manufacturer SAIC Motor to develop Level 3, 4, and 5 autonomous vehicles. The chipmaker is also collaborating with Chinese mapping company NavInfo for this project,” the report said.
It is noted that China is quite a complex market for foreign companies working on creation of self-driving vehicles. There are restrictions in the country that prohibit such companies from obtaining the mapping data necessary for unmanned vehicles. Therefore, the relationship between Intel and NavInfo will be extremely important.
As a result of cooperation with Intel, SAIC cars will have advanced driver assistance systems capable of navigating traffic and highways and braking in an emergency. This is the same technology, similar to the autopilot, which the Chinese competitor Tesla NIO integrated into its SU8 ES8 at the end of last year. SAIC will transfer data and gain access to the technology of Intel subsidiary Mobileye’s Road Experience Management technology, which receives images and other contextual data from embedded cameras and creates a high-resolution map updated in real time.
Cars will receive crowdsourced data on weather, road closures, potholes and other obstacles. The map will act as a complementary source of information for local sensors and cameras used in cars.