Iran and India will hold the joint military exercises

Date: 15:53, 26-02-2016.

Almaty. February 26. Silkroadnews - Iran plans to hold joint military drills with India, IrTAG reports.
“We will conduct the short-term training with the army of India and intend to hold a large-scale tactical maneuvers including the rescue operations,” - the Iranian media quotes Iran’s Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari saying.
The commander of the Iranian Navy announced the joint exercises after his meeting with the Indian deputy commander for naval operations, where the parties discussed the cooperation to establish security in north of Indian Ocean.
H. Sayyari has not specified the date and time of the joint maneuvers.
In late January, Iranian navy conducted military maneuvers “Vilayat-94” in the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran in strait of Hormuz, the Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean.

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